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Самая продаваемая тема wordpress — Avada

Обновление от 9 июня 2016

Avada является окончательной многоцелевой темой WordPress. Она является чистой, супер гибкой, быстро реагирующей, включает Разработчика Страницы Fusion и прибывает упакованной мощными опциями! Эта многоцелевая тема WordPress устанавливает новую норму с бесконечными возможностями, первосортной поддержкой, и свободными обновлениями времени жизни с недавно требуемыми функциями от наших пользователей. И самая удобная тема на рынке.

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Avada Version 5.1.6 - April 17th, 2017 | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: When using anchor scrolling, the current anchors are updated in the browser address bar
- NEW: Countdown element can now user 3 digits for weeks and 4 digits for days
- IMPROVED: Added a fallback for CSS compiler if file contents can't be read
- IMPROVED: Timestamp for CSS compiler
- IMPROVED: The Fusion Library path constant was updated to also work on non standard WP installs
- IMPROVED: Error messages on product registration page
- IMPROVED: Added additional styling for Fusion Page Option dropdowns on Events post edit screen
- IMPROVED: Added a notice on registration page, if token does not have all needed permissions set
- UPDATED: All WooCommerce translation strings are compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.3 now
- FIXED: Small W3C validation error in menus
- FIXED: WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility issue, where new products didn't show in carousel elements
- FIXED: WooCommerce product quantity +/- buttons removed in product can only be boughty individually
- FIXED: WooCommerce product images not being displayed on shop page after deactivation / reactivation
- FIXED: WooCommerce shop_messages shortcode not being updated to new name
- FIXED: Infinite scroll not working on blog archive pages
- FIXED: 404 console error on portfolio pages that use infinite scroll
- FIXED: Insert from URL option in WP upload dialog not working for image frame element
- FIXED: WPML issue, where Theme Options were not loaded correctly on frontend when default language is not English
- FIXED: Portfolio Slug Theme Options not being applied on frontend
- FIXED: Buttons not being displayed correctly on portfolio archive pages when full content is used
- FIXED: Patches not being applied correctly on multisite installs
- FIXED: Breadcrumb issue when on search page of a custom post type
- FIXED: Sidbar Map now being full width on Eventscalendar Single Post pages
- FIXED: Removed portfolio grid layout from the archive layout setting in Theme Options
- FIXED: Eventscalender post excerpts displaying shortcode markup on frontend archive pages
- FIXED: Theme Option search not working correctly for Fusion Builder elements
- FIXED: Some setting values being incorrect on archive pages due to incorrectly returned page id
- FIXED: Menu setup issue on Technology demo
- FIXED: Pixelated logo on construction demo import
- FIXED: Code Block Encoding setting in Theme Options not working correctly
- FIXED: Styles missing on WooCommerce main shop page under certain circumstances
- FIXED: Side header issue in IE11, where menu icons were not aligned correctly
- FIXED: PHP error in demo importer when no Fusion Slider is part of the demo
- FIXED: Fusion Builder being disabled after update from a pre Avada 4.0 version
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[HIDE="5"] Avada Version 5.1.6 [/HIDE]

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Отзывчивая Многоцелевая Тема |
Avada Version 5.3.1 | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
Последнее обновление 30 ноября 17 || Last Update 30 November 17

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[HIDEL="0"]Avada_Full_Package Version 5.3.1[/HIDEL]
