Business [Celinne Da Costa] School Of Story



An epic digital experience to help you confidently craft a compelling story that unlocks your purpose

Deeply connects with your audience, skyrockets your business, and creates world-changing impact.

If you’ve landed on this page, chances are…

  • You don’t want to contribute to the same-same content you see online. You want to stand out and cut through the digital noise. But everytime you take a step forward, you get sucked back into a washing machine of overwhelm.
  • You’re worried about what others will think (#trolls) when you start to create something that’s authentically you (and as a result, you are second guessing yourself, big time.)
  • You’re putting yourself out there… but if we’re to be honest, you know you’re playing small.
  • You know and understand the power of “your story”, and you know in your heart and soul, there’s a story that you’ve been itching to tell – but you can’t quite put your finger on that “something” that is holding you back.
  • How To Slay Your Mindset
    Get clear on what’s “under your hood” – including the fears and concerns that hold you back, so you can stop self-sabotaging and start getting your story into the world.
  • Know Your Story From The Inside-Out
    Accessing the confidence, clarity and alignment you need to craft a story worth sharing.
  • Create A Bank Of Stories
    Unlock a never-ending bank of stories so you never run out of captivating stories to tell. Content creation will become much easier and fun for you!


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